السّلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
kami kongsikan disini artikel oleh Mike Krumboltz yang boleh dilayari di http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/93573?fp=1
Are we having more earthquakes?
It sure seems like it. Since the beginning of 2010, there have been four major earthquakes around the world.
1.7.0 in Haiti on January 12, 2010.
2.8.8 in Chile on February 27, 2010.
3.7.2 in Mexico on April 4, 2010.
4.6.9 in China on April 13, 2010.
All of this seismic activity has left some wondering if earthquakes are increasing in frequency, or if it just seems like they are. According to an expert from the United States Geological Survey, the recent activity is not unusual.
Geophysicist Dale Grant spoke with CNN and remarked that while it may seem like quakes are getting more frequent, the numbers are about average, historically speaking. What has changed? The quakes are striking more populated areas, which has led to more damage, more deaths, and, as a consequence, far more news coverage. It might seem like we're getting a lot more earthquakes, but they're actually just causing more damage due to where they are striking.
The Haiti earthquake measured 7.0, and claimed the lives of over 220,000 people. Why the high death toll? The quake struck near the nation's densely-populated capital, Port Au Prince. Also, Haiti is a very poor country, with few seismically-safe buildings. With so many people living so close together in buildings that were not built to withstand intense shaking, an earthquake can exact a heavy toll.
The recent Mexico earthquake, which struck not far from the United States border, was even more powerful, measuring 7.2. Due in large to the quake being centered in a relatively desolate place, only several people were killed.
The Chile earthquake, which struck on February 27, had a magnitude of 8.8. That is almost 100 times stronger than the recent 6.9 China quake (each full point represents a tenfold increase in power). Still, for such a massive quake, a comparatively small number of people were killed. That's thanks to Chile's strict building codes and the fact that the quake struck off the country's coast. A tsunami did result, which was responsible for nearly half of the deaths associated with the quake.
Allah telah berfirman:
Kami akan memperlihatkan kepada mereka tanda-tanda (kekuasaan) Kami di segenap ufuk dan pada diri mereka sendiri, sehingga jelaslah bagi mereka bahwa al-Quran itu benar. Dan apakah Tuhanmu tidak cukup (bagi kamu) bahwa sesungguhnya Dia menyaksikan segala sesuatu.
( Fussilat 41: 53)
Daripada Huzaifah bin Asid Al-Ghifari ra. berkata:
“Datang kepada kami Rasulullah saw. Dan kami pada waktu itu sedang berbincang-bincang. Lalu beliau bersabda: “Apa yang kamu perbincangkan?”. Kami menjawab: “Kami sedang berbincang tentang hari kiamat”.
Lalu Nabi saw. bersabda:
“Tidak akan terjadi hari qiamat sehingga kamu melihat sebelumnya sepuluh macam tanda-tandanya”. Kemudian beliau menyebutkannya: “Asap, Dajjal, binatang, terbit matahari dari tempat tenggelamnya, turunnya Isa bin Maryam a.s, Ya’juj dan Ma’juj, tiga kali gempa bumi, sekali di timur, sekali di barat dan yang ketiga di Semenanjung Arab yang akhir sekali adalah api yang keluar dari arah negeri Yaman yang akan menghalau manusia kepada Padang Mahsyar mereka”. – Hadis Riwayat Muslim
sama-samalah kita insafi diri...wallahua'lam
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